Dear Nordic countries

As you have heard our volcano gods have woke up and they are mad , they have been laying peacefully and resting for some time. They are disgusted by lack of understanding on your half trying to solve this Icesave crisis.  People on this small island have asked and pleaded with you for over a year now without any results.

Now we have asked our gods to help us to make you understand that enough is enough , fact that you have ganged up on us with financial barriers and restriction and driven many opportunities to a grinding hold while we are trying to get out of this crisis that is not just our problem here but all over the world.

So Odin and Thor have waken up one of many volcanos that are in Iceland. For few weeks they have been sending message to you and you ignore them so they woke up a bigger one and with ashes coming from them that will effect your lifestyle and hit your economy as well . But we are peaceful country as you all know and we have always been a good neighbour (hint) , hard working people , well educated and we have long history of survival. But our gods as powerful and we as nations need to solve Icesave issue before Odinn and Thor wake up an bigger one. 

 if you think that these ashes that have stopped your airplanes from flying hughe crises  then " you ant seen anything yet "  

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